On Sale
Beautiful Mind
Beautiful Mind
Part of the Brain Waves series
24" x 24" Acrylic Painting
Beautiful Mind - The final brainwave piece in this series
When a person is a genius or maybe on the Spectrum, their brain reaches a higher level than most normal people. It's not erratic to the point of being physically dangerous - like a seizure. It's as if all of their brain waves are active at the same time in the same amount at the same level which puts them into a state of mind that gives them the ability to be brilliant in a specific way. That might be mathematics, something in the medical field, artistically, scientifically, they might be creative in ways the rest of us cannot understand. Or so smart they remember everything they read after looking at it once. This is not a normal brain wave situation and this person might not be able to cope with what we call normal society but they are brilliant/genius in some way. This piece made me feel like I finished what I started out to do - which was to abstractly show people what goes on with your brain from sleep to normal activity to high creativity to genius and then to an extreme that may not be healthy.
Delivery is available within 40 miles of Delray Beach, Florida. Call Michele at (561) 827-5973 to arrange delivery.